Harrisonburg, VA – May 13 at 7pm, $5

Benefitting: Blue Ridge Area Food Bank

Can’t have an up without a down, right? Mountains wouldn’t look like nothing without some dramatic valleys alongside. Even though, from certain vantage points, you can actually, physically look down on anyone who lives in a valley, life down here can be pretty rich.

Secretly Y’all is seeking stories that took place in or around geographical and metaphorical valleys, of adventures you’ve experienced riding the ups and down of this roller coaster called life…what made one thing the best of times and something else the worst? What (or who) led you into the ravine, gorge, or simply down? What did you find once you were there? How or why did you eventually find higher ground? Also, did y’all know that “dingle” is a synonym for valley? So if you have a juicy story dealing with that etymology get at us!*

  • *From Middle English dingle (“a deep hollow; dell”), from Old English dyngel, a diminutive of Old English ding, dung (“dungeon; pit”), equivalent to dung +‎ -le


  • Sylvia Devoss
  • Rosemarie Harper
  • Roddy Barnes
  • Leisa Thompson
  • Maura Mazurowski

Hat Tellers

  • Abena Foreman-Trice
  • Emily Heatwole