May 8, 2018 at the Hofheimer Building

Benefitting: Friends of James River State Park

We all like to get out of the big city of Richmond and venture into the great outdoors. Yet, leaving behind our cushy comforts can create some pretty stick-y (eh? eh?) situations… When was the last time you can recall being in a place where you couldn’t post a selfie on the internet due to lack of cell service instead of decent lighting? Or had your decisions based solely on incoming rain or snow? Was that a delightful woodland creature creating those noises….or something less … natural? We are looking for tales of stepping off the beaten (paved) path, traveling beyond the boundaries of your map, moments when thirst or hunger became more than just an inconvenience and places where the dark is very very VERY dark….


  • Alsten Tauro
  • Ryan Mauter
  • Serena Fulton
  • Jason Dedrick
  • Rachel Pater
  • Jason Taylor

Hat tellers:

  • Charles Ware
  • George
  • Robbie Wood
  • Patty King
Category : RVA